SMART 2019-0024 – Framework Contract for the Provision of Evaluation and Impact Assessment Services to DG Connect


The aim of the specific project under this Framework contract is to provide DG CNECT from the EU Commission with an evaluation of the application by the EU National Regulatory Authorities of the 2010 Next Generation Access (NGA) recommendation and the 2013 Non-discrimination and costing methodologies (NDCM) recommendation. Following the adoption of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of December 11, 2018 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), which replaces the Directives regarding the implementation of which these recommendations were providing guidance, both recommendations need to be reviewed so that they remain fit for purpose to provide guidance on the implementation of the provisions of the EECC detailing the access, non-discrimination and pricing obligations succeeding to the provisions of the previous Directives, to which both recommendations refer. In addition to the evaluation of the implementation, the study consists in a forward-looking analysis of a number of key elements from both recommendations and proposes, whenever possible, possible approaches to be considered by the Commission in updating the current guidance. The study analyses the expected effects of these proposed approaches in terms of prices, competition and VHCN deployment in the context of ex ante regulation of broadband markets

Researchers : Christian Hocepied