(2020) - For the European Commission

The BOOST project aims at providing SME's with practical and straightforward support to facilitate their compliance with the GDPR, with a special focus on 3 aspects of data protection :

1. Transparency;
2. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA);
3. Identification of “controller” and “processor”.

The main outcomes will consist in :
- a FAQs brochure;
- new tools to facilitate SMEs’ compliance with the GDPR;
- seminars for all types of SMEs.

The project is funded by the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers - Grant Agreeement n° 874505). The members of the consortium are the Belgian DPA, KULeuven, VUB and UNamur.

Researchers : Cécile DE TERWANGNE, Jean HERVEG, Jean-Marc VAN GYSEGHEM